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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Homeschool And College Acceptance What Works And Doesn’t Work In Homeschooling

How Homeschooling Parents Can Assure their Homeschooled Students Gain Acceptance into America’s Well-Known Colleges and Universities.
Homeschool and College Acceptance What Works and Doesn’t Work in Homeschooling.
How Homeschooling Parents Can Assure their Homeschooled Students Gain Acceptance into America’s Well-Known Colleges and Universities.
You’ve all heard the mixed reports about college acceptance of homeschooled children. Some say colleges will not accept homeschooled students; others say they desperately want them. But what is the truth? Can homeschooled students have their choice of colleges and universities or is it a struggle to find one that will accept them? You will find most colleges and universities "homeschool friendly" if you prepare your homeschool student in advance.
The following report will outline for you several strategies that homeschooling families must use in order to assure that their homeschooled students are sought out by the best colleges and universities in America. And it’s not just about taking tests and completing applications for college enrollment. It involves the home school courses you choose, your extra-curricular activities, your community involvement and much more to meet today’s college requirements!
Bottom line is, colleges want the best students out there. As screening processes become more and more intense, homeschooled students must learn to begin the college enrollment preparation process as young as middle school. Don’t wait till high school to prepare for the necessary college requirements.
The courses you select can make or break your admittance into the best colleges and universities.
Let’s face it. A homeschooled student with a transcript full of vocational or general academic courses will not stand a chance against a homeschooled student with college preparatory classes. Furthermore, a homeschool student who waits until tenth grade to begin college preparatory math and science courses is already a minimum of a year behind other college candidates.
Begin in Middle School.
If your student has the ability to handle higher-level math courses in middle school, by all means start them then. At the minimum, you should aim to provide Pre-Algebra in 8th grade in order that your student can move on to Algebra I in high school. However, avoid the temptation to push a student into higher-level math if he or she is not ready. This will only set up a student for struggle and/or failure in the future, which will not only affect a student’s overall picture, but also his confidence to continue.
Select Courses that Prepare your Homeschooled Student for the Rigors of College.
The courses you select in high school can not only make or break your college acceptance but can make or break a student’s ability to succeed in a college course. Not only do you want to select courses that fit in with a college preparatory course of study, but that are also accelerated enough to challenge your student at a higher level. Finding the easiest Algebra course you can find will not prepare your homeschool student for success in a college atmosphere. Choose wisely.
Bridgeway Academy offers a variety of high school courses from vocational to honors and Advanced Placement.
A good self-instructional course is ideal for your homeschooling program since it will require less expertise on the part of the parent and more independence on the part of your student. The ability to work independently is one of the greatest assets that homeschool students bring to a college or university.
Access a typical college preparatory course of study at Bridgeway Academy’s high school site.
Advanced Placement courses are also ideal for the homeschooling student. Advanced Placement (AP) courses not only give students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while in high school but also to vamp up their college applications. There are currently thirty-four courses in 19 subject areas offered as AP courses. Scores on AP exams may help colleges predict which students are more likely to graduate on time and therefore cost the college less in student aid (and for that matter cost you less in college tuition costs).
Research conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, indicates that correlations exist between success in AP courses and success in college. Students who earn an AP exam grade of 3 or higher are more likely to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years than their peers. Since AP courses are becoming more and more important in the college screening process, I encourage you to pursue at least one AP course in your student’s high school career.
Extra-curricular Activities add to your marketability !
Another critical element to your home school program is your student’s extracurricular and volunteer activities. To a college counselor, these are an absolute must! And to your student, they are an incredibly valuable addition to his or her development as an individual.
Not only will these extras strengthen your home school student’s college applications, the skills learned from volunteer work, sports and other extracurricular activities are essential for enhancing social skills, building confidence and enriching your student’s life. Therefore, no matter what your student’s aspirations, I strongly recommend you engage him or her in extracurricular pursuits and volunteerism.
In that case of building your college applications; however, students should choose activities they enjoy and stick with them. College admission counselors aren’t interested in seeing students ‘do it all.’ Instead, they are looking for a commitment and passion for an activity outside of the classroom.
Keep track of all activities and awards and include them on your student résumés. Look for leadership opportunities and activities that will impact your community for the good. Find a contribution that will set you apart and allow your student to stand out. College admission counselors like to see students who are leaders. . .in and out of the classroom.
Applying early puts your name at the forefront!
One major disadvantage for homeschooling students is the fact that they do not have a guidance counselor breathing down their neck to get their college applications in the mail. Most colleges and universities have early admissions programs, which will allow your students to get ahead of the game of college applications. Take advantage of early admission deadlines! Better yet, get those applications in as early as possible—don’t wait until the due date to put them in the mail.
Many students find this to be a very intimidating process, however, since this is your opportunity to put your best foot forward, it is not something you want to wait until the last minute before beginning the college enrollment process.
Some basic Do’s and Don’ts that will help make your college application and acceptance process a success!
DO :
Read applications and directions carefully.
Make sure that everything that is supposed to be included is enclosed.
Fill out your own applications. Type the information yourself to avoid crucial mistakes.
Start with the simple applications and then progress to the more complex ones.
Make copies of applications, and practice filling one out before you complete the original.
Type or neatly print your answers, and then proofread the applications and essays several times for accuracy. Also ask someone else to proofread them for you.
If asked, describe how you can make a contribution to the schools to which you apply.
Be truthful, and do not exaggerate your accomplishments.
Keep a copy of all forms you submit to colleges.
Be thorough and on time.
Use correction fluid. If you type your application, use a correctable typewriter or the liftoff strips to correct mistakes. Better yet, fill out your application on line.
Write in script. If you don’t have access to a computer or typewriter, print neatly.
Leave blank spaces. Missing information may cause your application to be sent back or delayed while admission officers wait for complete information.
Be unclear. If the question calls for a specific answer, don’t try to dodge it by being vague.
Put it off
College is an exciting time that can be very rewarding! Preparing yourself early will keep you competitive, while acting proactively is essential to obtaining admission into the college or university of your choice!
Get a comprehensive blueprint to prepare your student for college or university acceptance. What Colleges and Universities Look For, see ADMISSION CRITERIA below.
Incredible college search engine that allows students to navigate 100’s of homeschool friendly colleges and universities all across the United States! These colleges and universities want your homeschooled student because they have invested advertising dollars to be listed at, take a look!

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